7 – 10 year olds little ladies and gentleman received a gift of etiquette and grooming at the Zimbabwe Institute of Diplomacy, thanks to their parents who generally supported the program.Early grooming and etiquette training will empower little ladies and gentlemen to handle social situations exquisitely. During this fun and interactive workshop, with plenty of plenty role playing, the little ladies and gentlemen covered multi facet topics which included social etiquette, good mannerisms, public speaking, social protocol, handling peer pressure, grooming and deportment, personal hygiene, dealing with bullying at home and at school, how to identify and detect abuse and the action to be taken, how to be good ambassadors of their families and how to be scholastic at school. Mr V A Chikanda mentored these young intellects and these soft skills imparted to them will impact them academically, socially and into their personal lives. Nurturing such skills at an early stage is effective to transform them into leaders of tomorrow.